Home Impact Rollers

Hans-Albert Färber GmbH
P.O. Box 800 351
D-21003 Hamburg

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eMail: sales@bulk-handling.de

Impact Rollers - Where used?

The shock absorbing rollers, more often known as "impact rollers" consist of a base steel roller design, on which are fitted rings, designed to resist and absorb the pressures given by the impact of materials onto the belt.
These rollers are positioned in the carrying section of the belt, corresponding to the point of loading where the material falls onto it.

Impact rollers are used and positioned corresponding to the load points, where the lumps and the weight of material falling onto the belt could in fact cause damage to it.

To limit the impact effect of the material onto the rollers, the rollers are covered with a series of rubber rings of adequate thickness and resistance.

Impact rollers are under stress not only from the load of the material, but also from the dynamic forces as the load falls onto the belt.

The impact onto the belt, arising from the free fall of material (Fig. 6) will be naturally greater than in the case where the material is deflected onto the belt by an inclined plate (Fig. 7).

For the correct dimensioning and the choice of impact rollers in relation to the load check the characteristics of the base roller.

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